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True or False Questions Round 4
This is a readymade, free list of True or False Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. The Admiral Graf Spee was a German Warship
2. Bruno Mars released a song called ‘Marry Me’?
3. Sweden borders Norway and Finland?
4. The Roman numerals XL stand for the number 40?
5. Millennium Stadium is England's venue for our English rugby team?
6. Ottawa is located in the Canadian Province of Alberta?
7. A buzzard is a species of bird?
8. There are 12 pounds in 1 stone?
9. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland?
10. A gecko is a snake?
11. Kim Kardashian was born in California?
12. Helsinki is the capital of Finland?
13. Jennifer Lopez has a daughter called Blue Ivy?
14. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system?
15. Alan Rickman played Professor Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies?
16. Liver is offal?
17. Argentina is the second largest country by area in South America?
18. Ginger is a root vegetable?
19. Rural areas have a high population density?
20. Anthony Hopkins starred alongside Bruce Willis in the movie 'Red 2'?
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