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True or False Questions Round 3
This is a readymade, free list of True or False Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. The square root of 144 is 11?
2. The capital of Singapore is Singapore?
3. Lundi is French for Thursday?
4. Compact discs contain more information than blu-ray discs?
5. The moon influences the Earth's tides?
6. The plural of a pc mouse can be mice or mouses?
7. Soap actress Laila Morse is a sibling of Gary Oldman?
8. Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system?
9. The femur is located in the foot?
10. Buttermilk contains butter?
11. England is smaller by area than the state of Florida?
12. Nicole Scherzinger was a member of 'Destiny's Child'?
13. Electrical energy is used to create light, heat or motion?
14. Rick Astley released a song in the 80s called ‘Sealed with a Kiss’?
15. Helium has the chemical symbol H20?
16. The stripes on the US flag represent the 13 original colonies of the US?
17. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge named their son George James Alexander?
18. Chester Racecourse is also known as Roodee?
19. The Libra star sign is ruled by the planet Venus
20. The Libra star sign is ruled by the planet Venus
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