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Science Quiz Questions Round 1
This is a readymade, free list of Science Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True of False Question: Platelets help the blood to thicken?
2. True of False Question: Oxygen is element number one on the periodic table?
3. True of False Question: The longest bone in the human body is the femur?
4. True of False Question: A sepal, pistil and stamen all parts of a tree?
5. True of False Question: Thomas Edison invented the first practical incandescent light bulb?
6. True of False Question: AC means Alternating Current?
7. True of False Question: Humans have 13 pairs of ribs?
8. True of False Question: Protons, neutrons and electrons make up an atom?
9. True of False Question: The first visible colour in a rainbow (the first colour at the top) is green?
10. True of False Question: The three elements required to ignite a fire are heat, oxygen and fuel?
11. True of False Question: The moon 'Titan' orbits Planet Jupiter?
12. True of False Question: There are 10 more teeth in a complete set of adult teeth than a set of deciduous teeth (milk teeth)?
13. True of False Question: The smallest of the eight official planets in our solar system is Mercury?
14. True of False Question: The distance travelled divided by the time taken is the formula used for working out speed?
15. True of False Question: The only body organ able to regenerate itself is the heart?
16. True of False Question: John Pemberton was a pharmacist who invented coca cola?
17. True of False Question: The chemical symbol for Magnesium on the period table is M?
18. True of False Question: The chemical formula H2SO4 is for Sulfuric Acid?
19. True or False Question: Helium is a colourless, odourless gas?
20. True of False Question: The four main blood groups are known as C, A, B, AB?
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