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Movie Quiz Questions Round 4
This is a readymade, free list of Movie Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: Richard Gere and Julia Roberts have only starred in one film together?
2. True or False Question: The first of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies was called 'Dead Man's Chest'?
3. True or False Question: Johnny Depp starred in all of the following movies: The Tourist, Alice in Wonderland and The Rum Diary?
4. True or False Question: Mike Myers played both Dr. Evil and Austin Powers in the same movie?
5. True or False Question: Uma Thurman and John Travolta appeared together in a Quentin Tarantino movie released in 1994?
6. True or False Question: Haley Joel Osment quoted 'I See Dead People' in a 1999 movie?
7. True or False Question: Tom Hanks, and his brother Jim Hanks, provided the voice of Woody in the Toy Story trilogy?
8. True or False Question: Mr T starred in Rocky IV?
9. True or False Question: The quote, 'I'm going to break precedent and tell you my one candle wish: that you would have a life as lucky as mine' is taken from the movie Meet Joe Black?
10. True or False Question: Sulley and Mike are characters from the children's movie 'Madagascar'?
11. True or False Question: Will Smith and Jaden Smith played father and son roles in a 2006 movie?
12. True or False Question: Ben Stiller has appeared in all of these movies: Zoolander, Night at the Museum and Wedding Crashers?
13. True or False Question: Clint Eastwood starred in the 1966 movie 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'?
14. True or False Question: Ben Stiller joined 'the circle of trust' in a movie released in 2000?
15. True or False Question: The quote, 'I expected the Rocky Mountains would be a little rockier than this' came from See No Evil, Hear No Evil?
16. True or False Question: Simon Pegg starred in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz?
17. True or False Question: Denzel Washington starred in a 2006 movie as ATF agent Doug Carlin?
18. True or False Question: The Heat was a horror film released in 2013?
19. True or False Question: The 2004 comedy movie 'White Chicks' was about two FBI agent cousins?
20. True or False Question: Jennifer Anniston, Jason Sudeikis and Kevin Spacey all starred in a 2011 comedy movie about bosses?
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