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History Quiz Questions Round 2
This is a readymade, free list of History Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: The birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte was Corsica in France?
2. True or False Question: Russia used 'the Luger pistol' during the World Wars?
3. True or False Question: Florence Nightingale was known as 'The Lady with the Lamp'?
4. True or False Question: The Celts lived in roundhouses?
5. True or False Question: Johannes Gutenberg invented the typewriter?
6. True or False Question: Boudicca was Queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe?
7. True or False Question: Adolf Hitler was leader of Germany during WWI?
8. True or False Question: The 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn was known as 'Custer's Last Stand'?
9. True or False Question: Buffalo Bill's birth name was William Frederick Cody?
10. True or False Question: The British Navy ship, HMS Belfast, is anchored on the River Thames in London?
11. True or False Question: Formosa was the former name of Vietnam?
12. True or False Question: Under the orders of Adolf Hitler, Ferdinand Porsche designed the first VW Beetle?
13. True or False Question: The Bow Street Runners were a gang of British robbers?
14. True or False Question: László Bíró invented the ballpoint pen?
15. True or False Question: The British HMS Amethyst Royal Navy ship was involved in the Yangtze incident?
16. True or False Question: Henry Tingle Wilde was captain of the RMS Titanic?
17. True or False Question: Edward Teach is thought to be Blackbeard's real name?
18. True or False Question: The Battle of Alamo took place during 1836?
19. True or False Question: Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the SS Great Eastern?
20. True or False Question: The Panzer, Panther and Tiger are all types of Japanese war tanks?
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