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History Quiz Questions Round 1
This is a readymade, free list of History Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: The Battle of the Bulge occurred during the First World War?
2. True or False Question: One of the ancient wonders of the world was once located at the Port of Alexandria?
3. True or False Question: King Henry VIII was 55 years old when he died?
4. True or False Question: The Korean War began in 1940?
5. True or False Question: The Greek God 'Zeus' was given the Roman name 'Jupiter'?
6. True or False Question: Kim Campbell served as the second female Prime Minister of Canada?
7. True or False Question: Christopher Columbus was born in Spain?
8. True or False Question: The Trojan War involved a wooden horse?
9. True or False Question: Hannibal crossed the Alps by elephant to attack the Romans?
10. True or False Question: The Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711?
11. True or False Question: Winston Churchill was captured and held prisoner during the Boer War?
12. True or False Question: During WWII, a British fighter plane was nicknamed the 'Doodlebug'?
13. True or False Question: Anderson shelters were given to people before the start of World War One?
14. True or False Question: The Cutty Sark clipper ship was built by Scott & Linton in 1869?
15. True or False Question: American aircraft carriers present at the Battle of Midway included the Enterprise, Yorktown, and Hornet?
16. True or False Question: Three of Henry VIII's wives were beheaded?
17. True or False Question: The British royal family's name was Spencer before it became Windsor?
18. True or False Question: Leonardo da Vinci died during the 17th Century?
19. True or False Question: The British battlecruiser HMS Hood was sunk by the German battleship 'Bismarck' during WWII?
20. True or False Question: Six King Georges have worn the crown throughout British history?
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