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History Quiz Answers Round 2
This is a readymade, free list of History Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True: He was born in Corsica, France
2. False: It was Germany
3. True: She was famously known as 'The Lady with the Lamp'
4. True: They lived in roundhouses
5. False: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press
6. True: Queen Boudicca
7. False: The leader was called Frederick William Victor Albert (Kaiser Wilhelm II)
8. True: Custer's Last Stand
9. True: He was named William Frederick Cody
10. True: HMS Belfast is located on London's River Thames
11. False: It's Taiwan's former name
12. True: It was Ferdinand Porsche
13. False: They were British detectives
14. True: László Bíró was the inventor
15. True: The ship was involved in the Yangtze incident
16. False: The ship's captain was called Edward John Smith
17. True: The real name of Blackbeard
18. True: The Battle of the Alamo 1836
19. True: Isambard Kingdom Brunel was the ship's designer
20. False: They are German war tanks
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