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History Quiz Answers Round 1
This is a readymade, free list of History Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. False: It occurred during World War 2
2. True: The Lighthouse of Alexandria
3. True: He was 55
4. False: It began in 1950
5. True: Zeus was named Jupiter
6. False: She was the first
7. False: He was born in Italy
8. True: The Trojan War (The Battle of Troy)
9. True: Hannibal crossed the Alps
10. True: The Moors invaded in 711
11. True: During the Boer War
12. False: The Doodlebug was the German V-1 Flying Bomb
13. False: They were built in preparation for World War Two
14. True: The ship was built by Scott & Linton
15. Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet
16. False: Two were beheaded
17. False: It was Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
18. False: He died during the 16th Century
19. True: It was sunk by the Bismarck
20. True: Six
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