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General Knowledge Quiz Questions Round 4
This is a readymade, free list of General Knowledge Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: The author of the novel 'Mad About the Boy' is Helen Fielding?
2. True or False Question: Audi uses the advertising slogan 'vorsprung durch technik'?
3. True or False Question: The birthstone of the Gemini star sign is the ruby?
4. True or False Question: The dog in trap one in British greyhound racing wears a red jacket?
5. True or False Question: The dog in Enid Blyton's series of 'The Famous Five' is called Tommy?
6. True or False Question: Prince's 'Purple Rain' begins with the lyrics, 'I never meant to cause you any sorrow'?
7. True or False Question: A half-nelson is associated with judo?
8. True or False Question: The Afrika Korps were a WWII German Army group?
9. True or False Question: The euro was introduced in Spain in 2000?
10. True or False Question: In a clockwise direction, the first five numbers on a standard dartboard beginning with the number 20 are 20, 1, 18, 6, 13?
11. True or False Question: Benidorm is located in Costa Blance?
12. True or False Question: There are 24 letters in the modern Greek Alphabet?
13. True or False Question: There are 6 white piano keys in an octave?
14. True or False Question: Horrid Henry's younger brother is known as Perfect Peter?
15. True or False Question: In International Morse Code, the letter 'D' is represented by dash dot dot?
16. True or False Question: An acute angle has more than 90 degrees?
17. True or False Question: John Paul II was Pope from 1978-2005?
18. True or False Question: With reference to time, GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time?
19. True or False Question: The capital of Barbados is Speightstown?
20. True or False Question: 5280 feet is equivalent to 1 mile?
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