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Fun Quiz Questions Round 3
This is a readymade, free list of Fun Quiz Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: There is only one American state name with just one syllable?
2. True or False Question: A ham and pineapple pizza typically known as a margherita?
3. True or False Question: An Australian Dingo is a type of bird?
4. True or False Question: 34 is the highest number on a roulette wheel?
5. True or False Question: British stamps are different to any other stamps in the world as they are they do not bear the country's name?
6. True or False Question: Shirley Bassey sang three Bond Themes?
7. True or False Question: The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street is a nickname for The Houses of Parliament?
8. True or False Question: There are 26 cards, belonging to the suits of hearts and diamonds, in a standard deck of cards?
9. True or False Question: Glíma is a Scandinavian martial arts system used by the Vikings?
10. True or False Question: Nine countries in total border Germany?
11. True or False Question: Most of the world's population drive on the left-hand side?
12. True or False Question: 2013 was the Chinese year of the snake?
13. True or False Question: The official language of Chile is Portuguese?
14. True or False Question: The UK's Christmas number one in 2013 was Skycraper by Sam Bailey?
15. True or False Question: The legal drinking age in Germany for consuming/purchasing beer and wine is 16 years old?
16. True or False Question: F&B's is the abbreviated name for a New York/Italian restaurant and bar?
17. True or False Question: John Deacon was lead singer of the rock band Queen?
18. True or False Question: The leading character in the Hunger Games Trilogy is called Katniss Everdeen?
19. True or False Question: The German word for thanks is bitte?
20. True or False Question: The major arcana and the minor arcana are associated with tarot cards??
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