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Food Trivia Questions Round 3
This is a readymade, free list of Food Trivia Questions for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or False Question: King, Coconut and Blue are all types of crab?
2. True or False Question: Avocados grow on trees?
3. True or False Question: Lemons, limes and oranges are varieties of citrus fruit?
4. True or False Question: Kos, Iceberg and Little Gem are all types of cabbage?
5. True or False Question: Saffron spice comes from the Crocus flower?
6. True or False Question: A Bloody Mary is stirred with carrot?
7. True or False Question: A Russet is a variety of apple and potato?
8. True or False Question: Sugar is used to line the rim of a glass of Margarita?
9. True or False Question: John Dory is a type of vegetable?
10. True or False Question: Choux is used to make profiteroles?
11. True or False Question: The main spirit ingredient of a Cosmopolitan cocktail is bacardi?
12. True or False Question: Chestnut, Morale and Trumpet are all types of mushroom?
13. True or False Question: The term 'on the rocks' means over ice?
14. True or False Question: Kiwifruit contains a stone?
15. True or False Question: Spring onions are also called scallions?
16. True or False Question: Icing, Demerara and Muscovado are all types of sugar?
17. True or False Question: Chardonnay and Merlot are types of fruit juice?
18. True or False Question: Chorizo is a type of cheese?
19. True or False Question: Okra is referred to as ladies' fingers?
20. True or False Question: Azuki, Mung and Lima are all types of nuts?
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