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Family Quiz Answers Round 1
This is a readymade, free list of Family Quiz Questions and Answers for your enjoyment. We hope you have a fun quiz night and enjoy our selection of brain teasers!

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1. True or false question: the average human body has more than 200 muscles?
2. True or false question: Serena Williams won the Wimbledon Women's Single title in 2010 and 2012?
3. True or false question: Diet Coke promises 'maximum taste, zero calories'?
4. True or false question: Vauxhall produces the Fiesta, Focus and Mondeo?
5. True or false question: An okapi is a large animal belonging to the giraffe family?
6. True or false question: The official music video to Roar features Taylor Swift's adaptation to life in the jungle?
7. True or false question: There are 11 different types of chocolates in a box of Quality Street?
8. True or false question: The famous song 'Hallelujah' was written by Leonard Cohen?
9. True or false question: David Cameron's wife is called Sandra?
10. True or false question: The author of 'The Jungle Book' is Rudyard Kipling?
11. True or false question: There are 32 black squares on a chessboard?
12. True or false question: The second largest state in America is Texas?
13. True or false question: On a graph, the x-axis is vertical?
14. True or false question: There are 6 zeros are in a billion?
15. True or false question: The 8th official planet in our solar system (furthest from the Sun) is Neptune?
16. True or false question: There are 64 keys on a standard full size piano?
17. True or false question: Russia has won the most Olympic gold medals ever?
18. True or false question: 1609.34 meters is 1 mile: 64 lengths (to the nearest) would complete 1 mile in a 25 meter swimming pool?
19. True or false question: The chemical formula for water is H20?
20. True or false question: Italy is bigger than Spain?
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